Le cabinet d’architecture Spark vient de dévoiler Homefarm, un concept d’habitat pour les seniors qui mixe espace de vie et ferme verticale.


L’idée est venue d’un constat simple : la population de Singapour vieillit et manque de logements adaptés. En l’an 2030, un cinquième des habitants auront plus de 65 ans.D’autre part, beaucoup de seniors ont une mauvaise image de la maison de retraite, trop impersonnelle, trop stérile. Le cabinet Spark a voulu lutter contre ces préjugés en imaginant une résidence où les seniors pourront vivre tout en participant à la culture de fruits et légumes proposée par cette ferme verticale. Ecofriendly et autosuffisante, Homefarm verra le jour en 2018 à Kuala Lumpur. Ce projet s’annonce déjà comme une révolution dans le domaine de l’habitat senior. « L’activité agricole commerciale soutiendra les résidents dans un environnement socialement et écologiquement durable » d’après Stephen Pimbley, dirigeant de Spark.


SPARK is pleased to announce that its Home Farm project has won Future- Experimental Project at the 2015 World Architecture Festival held in Singapore. The project a residential development focused on aged care living is combined with a productive garden which provides a modest income for its elderly community.

Home Farm was designed not to isolate its residents from the wider community and to provide a familiar caring family environment for those who require medical care in their later years. Home Farm aims to provide a cross section of accommodation for single residents through to 3 generation apartments. The apartments are supplemented by a range of other public facilities including a clinic, crèche, farm shop and food court.

Stephen Pimbley SPARK’s director shared : “I am very touched and proud to have won this award especially as it is an affirmation and recognition of SPARK’s work and the thoughtfulness applied to the Home Farm project by our colleagues and peers in the architectural profession. I have been fortunate to have worked earlier in my career before starting SPARK for 2 celebrated UK architectural practices that instilled in me the idea that you do not need to be commissioned or have a client before you can and should commit ideas to paper. Home Farm is a project that celebrates social value and inclusivity, characteristics that underpin the role of the architect in to improve the quality of people’s lives using our skill, imagination and energy.”






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